Category: Resources



  Since my last post, I refreshed myself on Melatonin uses and dosages. I tried this with Jim a year ago and his sleep seemed to get worse instead of better. I gave up pretty quickly because I’d been trying to nip the problem in the bud. His sleep pattern wasn’t a consistent issue so ….  Read More

Dos And Don’ts Of Dementia Care


  I found a lovely short yet comprehensive list of Dos and Don’ts for dealing with dementia patients. 15 Dementia Care Do’s and Don’ts ( It’s a nice refresher for me because when I’m in the thick of answering the same question for the umpteenth time, I  don’t always have the mind space to step ….  Read More

Diagnosis – Part 2.5 – Occupational Therapist Visit

ProgressionResourcesDementia Safe Home Evaluationoccupational Therapy and DementiaOT house inspection

This was an unexpected bonus. As I was wrapping up my conversation with the doctor after Jim’s Dementia Diagnosis, he said that he would refer us to our area health department. They would have someone come out to evaluate Jim’s physical condition. They would also inspect our home to see if we had any trouble ….  Read More

Medication Roulette

ProgressionResources7 day pill dispenserlockable medication containermanaging medicationsmanaging medications for people with dementia

  One of the big things I worried about was Jim being alone all day with easy access to his medications. He wasn’t scheduled to take medications during the day but with the way his memory was fading, I’d started to worry that he may get disoriented and start taking them anyway. I was beginning ….  Read More