No Surgery


What a relief!!

I spoke with the doctor about the prognosis from the blood pressure readings from Jim’s feet. As a lay person with enough knowledge to understand what I was seeing (as the technician did the scans) but without the training to properly interpret, I was terrified about what he was going to tell me.

The doctor confirmed there is very little circulation in Jim’s toes on his bad foot. This is also the reason they are wary about doing an amputation. There needs to be adequate circulation to heal the post-surgery wound. Amputation may solve the immediate problem but potentially cause worse issues.

As disgusting as it sounds, the best course of action is to keep the wound on Jim’s foot clean and dry. It will eventually die. At that point it will self-amputate, or it can be removed with little side effect.

What that means for me?

Well, I’m still doing renos on the ground floor of our home to eliminate the stairs.

When we move, we may be able to avoid making the dining room at the new place into an accessible bedroom right away. If Jim is mobile and still aware, he may be able to do the stairs once each day to and from the bedroom.

Being able to avoid surgery definitely eases the pressure on me when planning our cross country move.

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