Jim has been losing his appetite lately. At first I thought it might be caused by anxiety or depression, but over the past few weeks I’ve concluded it’s not. He’s in good spirits and seems relaxed. When he’s anxious, everything about him stiffens.
It’s been a very hot summer here in Southern BC. This made our organics bins rather putrid. I’ve started to change them out early and Jim wondered why. He couldn’t smell the odor, while the stench made my eyes water.
So I tried an experiment.
Last year, I tried mashed cauliflower in lieu of mashed potatoes. Jim turned up his nose. He doesn’t like cauliflower. I tried it again and this time he gobbled it down without question.
He couldn’t taste the difference, even though there was no mistaking the two flavours.
This can make a huge difference in our diet. Jim is a carb-a-holic but if I can slide in low carb foods in place of his starchy favourites – well let’s just say I’m excited.
Last night, I tried Dr. Oetker’s Cauliflower crust pizza. Sure, it’s not a health food, but it’s a healthier version of a junk food, and I’m all right with that. Jim liked it better than his usual rising crust or die version.
Also new on the menu, more dishes with lentils and beans. These low fat, high protein and fiber foods are better for for folks who have dementia. Maybe, I’ll finally be able to drop some pounds too.